
8x4x10" Twisted Handle Kraft Paper Bags From JinDian Packaging

As eco friendly shopping bags,kraft paper bags are available in any size to suit different end.And any color can be printed on kraft paper bags to display business information and product image.Such as this bag, it is made of 100g white kraft paper,twisted handle,with full color printing,100% printing allover bag.
As kraft paper bags manufacturer,JinDian Packaging specilaize in manufacturing such style kraft paper bags,In fact at http://www.jdpackaging.net you can find not only twisted handle kraft paper bags,but also flat handle kraft paper bags,rope handle kraft paper bags,even laminated euro tote paper bags,that can be custom made to meet your demand,Of course there are some popualr size such as 5x3x8",8x4x10",10x5x13",16x6x12" that will be cheaper.