Now most of custoemr care environment and they are willing to select reusable shopping bags to carry their goods. Paper Shopping bags and non woven bags are recyclable and eco-friendly,all of them are reusable.
In fact there are huge choices for paper shopping bags such as paper,printing,finishes,and handle.
For paper shopping bags handle ,options include PP rope,cotton rope,ribbon rope,die cutting handle,PVC tube handle,metal handle ,twisted paper rope,paper flat handle and more. Once you decide to use paper shooping bags for your business, we as a paper bag supplier, will help you to select right handle to match your paper shopping bags.
Today we showed some paper shopping bags with different ribbon handle, those bags will look very special
Which kinds of ribbon you like?
Don't worry! As a paper bag specialist, we will show a catalogue that list all handle options for your reference when you have a hesitation.
more products please visit
JinDian Packaging Ltd
36-1No70Shuama Road,Dalian China
Tel:0086 411 86469820
Fax:0086 411 86469821
JinDian Packaging Ltd
36-1No70Shuama Road,Dalian China
Tel:0086 411 86469820
Fax:0086 411 86469821