Every business needs to provide customers with a method to carry the goods that they sell or provide.For that reason, paper shopping bags are the best choice. Because paper shopping bags are inexpensive,and easy to purchase.In the same time, becasue paper are 100% bio-degradable in natural, paper shopping bags are recyclable and eco-friendly.
Once you decide to order paper shopping bags for your business, perhaps you will face some problem---How to select style, how to decide which paper to use,how to select finishes..... becasue there are so wide selection. Even for professional saleman, they will face some new technology in packaging field to learn.So once you face such problem or hesitation, you can visit our site http://www.jdpackaging.net/ to get more inforation for paper shopping bags and talk with our professional salesman to help you. In the same time I list some basics for your reference to select paper shopping bags.
First select what paper you use: Usually there are four kinds of paper:own kraft paper,white kraft paper, art paper,and invory paper. kraft paper is cheapest, so sometime brown kraft paper bags are the cheapest. And for luxury paper bags we usually select art paper or ivory paper.
Then you will decide what printing you need,it is based on your art work. Usually you can select Pantine color printing or CMYK printing, sometime you can select them together.
Third you should select which finishes to use: lamination,hot stamping,UV,embossing etc.
Finally, you shoudl select handle to match your bags,there are so many kinds of handle too such as PP rope handle, cotton rope handle,ribbon handle,twisted paper handle,flat paper handle,die cutting handle.
Above just a simple introduce,please remeber more selections,more expensive for your paper shopping bags.Plain brown kraft bags are simple,without printing,only with twisted rope, its price is cheapest too, small size(5x3x8") is just USD$0.04/pc
Paper Bag Supplier